Healing Hands

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Why is your Spine Health Important?

Spine health

Your spine is made up of your vertebrae and spinal cord associated with nerves, it is vital to your overall health and functioning, and you can’t live without it!

The spine is the body’s central support structure. It protects the spinal cord & nerve roots which help us to transfer information between the brain and the rest of the body. It’s not just giving us support, and controlling of our movement for our daily tasks but also plays an important role in transmitting sensory information like pressure, touch, cold, warmth, pain, and sensations to the body. Therefore, without a healthy spine, simple tasks like sitting, standing, walking can become difficult, our sensory response will be interrupted and our overall health will be affected.

Why can’t we live without it?

Your spine has several functions that are vital to living and functioning

What is the optimal healthcare for our body and spine?

Many of us would want a natural method utilizing our own body’s ability to promote internal health and ongoing wellness.



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